Future Prospects: What Does the Future Hold for NAP?
Before we look at the future prospects of Naplozz, here is its current usage status.
We delivered our MVP at the end of the summer of 2022.
Around 40 active users constantly using and testing the app.
We have gained valuable team members and partnerships who help us achieve our goals faster and more efficiently.
We are just about to launch our NAP token to revolutionize the project and quality management industry.
The Future prospects
We plan to allow users to use our educational system to get specific certificates
Our Document Wizard to create different assessment documents will be launched soon so clients can easily order professional and mandatory assessments.
Our Audit system is soon to be beta launched.
We have a great plan to execute our roadmap and build up our community and so as our user base.
For the NAP token, we will implement all the planned utilities while the ecosystem manifesting, also, constantly figuring out new use cases for better work quality.
Last updated